Facebook – We have a lot going on via FB. Most of our members use it as the primary means of interacting with the club
Please feel free to like our main page for all the crucial information relevant to Roundhay Runners
Ad hoc runs, general discussions, rehydration strategies and lots more at RR Run Buddies & Banter
Information about the club’s affiliation to United Kingdom Athletics (UKA) and England Athletics (EA)
Leeds Race Series – As the name suggests, a sequence of local races that form a competition structure across the year. Do as few or as many as you like
PECO XC – This is a series of 5 races that happen over the winter months. We belong to the league and race as a team. This is one of the highlights of the racing year. Don’t miss out, keep a look out to register to run in the 2021/22 season which is due to start in November 2021.
Use Strava to connect with Roundhay Runners. Find out what runs they’ve been doing and give them kudos when they’ve done well.